Heavenly Healing




Donna Taylor


Many people check out their daily and weekly horoscopes to find clues as to what their future holds, but did you know that your sun sign can have a major influence on your health too? Medical astrology dates back to the middle ages, when astrologers would draw up a chart of an ailing person to diagnose and treat the illness. The chart could show everything from the nature of the disease to how long it would last, whether it would be fatal or not, when to perform surgery and which herbs were necessary to help treat the problem. Much the same rules are used today but adapted slightly for our modern times.  And whilst serious complaints merit a full analysis of your chart, you can certainly do much to keep hale and hearty by understanding the basic requirements of your sun sign.

Each sign represents a body part and each sign is vulnerable to diseases or weakness corresponding to that bodily function. This explains why some people are prone to neck and throat problems (Taurus) whilst others suffer from stomach or digestive complaints (Cancer and Virgo)

However there is much we can do to balance our astrological weaknesses, including focussing on nutrition, exercise and herbs. You can even use yoga postures to strengthen your astrologically challenged organs!

Read on to determine what impact your sign has on your health and what you can do to keep hale and hearty.



Ariens are often too busy to worry about their health but all that dashing about can leave you prone to infectious ailments such as colds, fevers and flu, whilst stress and tension often manifests as headaches. Some Ariens suffer terribly with headaches and migraines, but these can usually be alleviated by slowing down a little and making time for rest and relaxation. Anger and frustration can also be at the root of recurrent headaches and serious conditions like high blood pressure, so reduce your risk by learning how to manage your emotional responses. This is one of the most long lived signs of the zodiac and you are blessed with an abundance of energy and the ability to throw off disease very quickly.

Advice: Don't burn the candle at both ends as this is a sure-fire way to compromise your immune system leaving you open to infections, colds and flu. To avoid burnout, regular colds, fevers, headaches, cuts, burns and bruises, slow down and concentrate on one thing at a time. Heed the warning signs and stop when your body sends you the signals that it needs to rest.

Ideal Exercise You're suited to high energy pursuits like aerobics, running and contact sports. You function best when you have a challenge, so running a marathon for charity would be ideal.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: Fresh air and plenty of exercise. Garlic and Echinacea to ward off the cold bugs. Projects to sink your energy into and the sense that life is constantly moving and changing.



Of all the signs, Taurus is the longest lived since there is great resistance to illness with the life force energy burning slowly and steadily. However, this is the sign most predisposed to weight gain, and this can lead to a host of problems in later life, ranging from diabetes, under-active thyroid, heart disease and gout. Your luxury loving planet, Venus, gives you a sweet tooth and a love of rich foods and pleasure in general. Always ready for a second helping and a top up of wine, you certainly enjoy your food and drink but at what price?

Advice: Learn to be more restrained in your eating and drinking habits and take up some regular exercise. Taurean bodies hold onto toxins more than the other signs, so regular detoxing is essential to maintain good health. The throat is the Taurean weak spot, and if you find yourself prone to sore throats try gargling with sandalwood, a natural antibiotic.

Ideal Exercise: Walking would be especially good for you as the slow pace combined with your love of nature should make it a pleasure.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: a balanced diet abiding by the principle of everything in moderation. Regular massage and plenty love and affection.



Changeable, active and fidgety, Geminis find it difficult to sit still for long and so they are blessed with the fastest metabolisms of the zodiac - all that nervous energy burns up the calories in double quick time, but your biggest problem stems from a lack of routine and an overly busy nature. Fad diets, eating on the run, missing meals and an over reliance on ready-made meals and stimulants such as cigarettes and coffee can play havoc with your system. Your busy mind can lead to insomnia so you may need to a bottle of lavender oil by your bed and a cup of valerian tea to help you relax. Your weak spots are the lungs - so smoking is definitely inadvisable - and the shoulders, arms and hands need extra care too. Mental breakdowns or nervous disorders could be a problem if you don't take time to nourish your nervous system with calming pursuits such as yoga and meditation.

Advice: Try and create more routine; make time for your meals or turn them into a social occasion. If you are addicted to your mobile phone or your computer, try having technology free days, otherwise your delicate nervous system can become aggravated. Get out in nature as much as possible as this will ground you. Gardening is also grounding and very relaxing for those Gemini nerves.

Ideal Exercise: Anything which requires you to be light on your feet and dextrous - squash, tennis, dance, fencing and yoga could be good channels for your energy.  

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: lots of stimulation and variety. An active social life but balanced by being able to be in the moment.



Sensitive and emotional, the typical Cancerian's health fluctuates with the changing phases of the moon. When all is well you are positive, loving and dynamic, but when one of your down moods strikes you retreat into your shell and reach for the cakes and the comfort foods. This can lead to weight problems, but it can also lead to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia as the whole business of eating becomes a battleground.  In order to maintain good health, Cancerians must first learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. Your weak spot is the stomach and any emotional upset leads directly to this area. Digestive imbalances range from simple heartburn and diarrhoea to gastroenteritis, colitis, peptic ulcers, hiatus hernia and Crohn's disease. The breasts are also ruled by Cancer and problems here may be linked to issues with nurturing.

Advice: Taking your time when eating is important as is avoiding eating when stressed, anxious or upset. Make your eating environment as pleasant and relaxing as you can. Avoid acidic foods if you suffer with stomach problems and cut down on dairy - especially milk - as this sign is often lactose intolerant. Learn to express your emotions - especially fear, anger and guilt - and try to see food as fuel rather than an emotional crutch.  Keeping a diary or visiting a counsellor to express your feelings may help. Avoid doing too much for others if you expect something in return otherwise you could end up being secretly resentful.

Ideal Exercise: swimming and other watersports. You may also benefit from saunas and Jacuzzis.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy:  something or someone to love and nurture, and who will return that love. Forgiving those who have hurt you and letting go of toxic emotions. A happy, warm and contented domestic life. A healthy relationship with food.



Luxury loving and highly sociable, Leo is the sign most likely to enjoy living the good life. Fancy restaurants, parties and social gatherings draw you like a moth to a flame, and the result can be too much rich food which not only increases your weight but puts a strain on your heart too. Since this is the Leo area of weakness, extra care has to be taken over your heart and cardiovascular system.  The back is another area ruled by Leo, and Leos frequently suffer from back complaints. Many people with bad backs are rigid and domineering with a need to be in control - these are all Leo characteristics, so it's worth bearing in mind that a flexible mind will manifest as a flexible body!

Advice: Cut down on cholesterol - dairy products and fatty fried foods can clog up your arteries. Keeping salt to a minimum will help prevent water retention whilst simultaneously protecting your heart. The Alexander Technique will improve your posture and help to carry your weight better.

Ideal Exercise: yoga will benefit your back and keep you flexible. Any exercise that you can do in the sun will appeal as Leos are ruled by the sun.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: creative projects, regular jaunts to the sun and plenty of adoring attention. Vitamin, E, garlic and magnesium to protect your heart.


Naturally health conscious, Virgos are very careful about what goes into their bodies, so it's not so much your diet that causes you problems as your worrisome nature. Yours is not a robust sign, so you can fall prey to a variety of ailments, but Virgo's main problems are poor digestion, food intolerances and allergies which can lead to bloating, IBS, ulcers and diverticulitis (abdominal pain, nausea and cramping due to infection in the colon).

Advice: Some sort of relaxing therapy such as massage is essential for many Virgos to help relax and ease tension, whilst meditation calms your frantic mind. Fennel and peppermint are great for calming a troubled digestive system - fennel especially is good for wind and bloating.  

Ideal Exercise: Virgos love the gentle discipline of yoga, tai chi and the Alexander technique, whilst walking grounds your earthy nature and calms your nerves.  

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: regular relaxation and a job where you can be of service to others. Colonic irrigation - whilst not for everyone - might be very beneficial for you.



Although naturally healthy, many Librans end up sabotaging their good fortune by indulging in too many sweet foods. Chocolates, cakes, sweets and buns are just too tempting for the Venus ruled Libra, but too much sweetness can not only lead to weight gain but also puts you at risk of diabetes and pancreitis. The areas ruled by Libra are the kidneys, ovaries and lower back and any grumbles here show you need to make some changes. Libra skin is sensitive to spots and breakouts, especially under stress, but a healthier diet with plenty fresh fruit and vegetables combined with a relaxation programme will help. Stress is particularly damaging for Librans so try and avoid people and situations who rub you up the wrong way and disturb your harmony.

Advice: Drink plenty water to support your kidneys and flush out toxins which in turn will reduce excess weight. When things get tough, try not to reach for the cakes, chocolate and alcohol, but talk through your feelings with a good friend or a counsellor.  If you suffer from skin breakouts, use lavender and geranium oil to balance and heal your skin - this combination seems to work well. Regular facials will help keep your skin healthy and youthful. Ten minutes meditation each day will help keep your delicate Libra scales balanced, enabling you to manifest the inner tranquillity that you need for your wellbeing.   

Ideal Exercise: Go for gentle or fun exercise which involves other people - ice-skating and fencing appeal to your sense of grace and balance. Team sports like tennis are ideal while yoga will tone your figure without being too strenuous!

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: being in a loving relationship, having a creative or artistic outlet and an active social life. Cutting down on sugary foods and drink whilst cultivating peace, balance and harmony will do wonders for your health.



The toughest and strongest of all signs, Scorpions have the power to successfully recover from any illness. However, you can sometimes abuse this inner strength by pushing yourself beyond the limit with overworking or going to extremes in your personal life. When life is going well, the steely determination of the Scorpion means that you will do whatever it takes to stay healthy. However, when things aren't so good, your self-destruct button comes into play and reckless overindulgence in anything and everything that is bad for you can wreak havoc with your health. You can be both excessive and austere in your dietary habits, depending on your mood, so balance and moderation are crucial. The Scorpio areas of the body are the eliminatory and sexual organs so extra care needs to be taken with the bladder and bowel. Constipation, cystitis, endometriosis and menstrual difficulties characterise Scorpio ailments.

Advice: Learning to let go is very important for Scorpions who like to control everything around them. This can mean you override your body's signals for relief but holding on only increases your tendency towards constipation and bowel problems. Eating plenty fibre, vegetables, a sprinkling of flaxseeds combined with regular exercise will keep you regular. Massage will help with the removal of toxins whilst live yogurt or acidophilus supplements will maintain healthy bacteria in your gut helping to alleviate cystitis, candida and thrush.

Ideal Exercise: High energy, challenging forms of exercise are best whilst hypnotherapy can help unblock buried stress and trauma which can lead to destructive habits.  

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: to have a purpose that consumes you. Passion and integrity in your relationships.



Energetic and restless, Sagittarius is a sign that is always on the go. A natural vitality is present which usually provides you with protection against ill health, but a tendency to burn the candle at both ends and refusing to slow down will create problems in the long run. An excessive temperament leads you to desire everything - in vast quantities - food, drink, and much merriment. Your 'party on' lifestyle and adventurous 'live life to the full' spirit need to be tempered by moderation and regular sensible spells if you are to maintain your athletic figure and good health. Sagittarian trouble spots are the hips and thighs whilst the liver and gallbladder are the organs that can suffer through overindulgence. You can reduce your chances of experiencing gallstones, diabetes, obesity and liver disease by being more moderate in your eating and drinking habits.

Advice:  Avoid fatty foods which can aggravate your liver and produce gall stones, whilst the herbs dandelion and milk thistle will help protect your liver. Cut down on alcohol and if you wish to avoid gout, reduce your intake of rich foods, especially animal products like liver, kidney, meat pate and mussels. If you eat out a lot, go for meals with a lower calorie content, cut down on alcohol and go easy on desserts. Use Juniper oil for reducing cellulite and pockets of fat; this oil will also support your overworked liver.

Ideal Exercise: Fortunately, most Sagittarians like to exercise, especially vigorous walking and a variety of sports. Horse riding, skiing, surfing, mountain climbing and other dangerous activities also appeal but injuries could be sustained from risky pursuits.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: movement and travel, something new on the horizon, moderation and plenty sleep to recharge your frazzled batteries.



This is a sign that gets better with age, so whilst your health may be fragile in youth, the flame of vitality burns brighter as the years advance! You are also blessed with endurance and perseverance and the ability to stick rigidly to your goals. So if you do decide to improve your health, you are more likely than any other sign to succeed.

Feelings of despondency and too much work and responsibility however can lead you to seek solace in food, drugs and drink, so try and find a balance between work and play. The Capricorn weak spots are the knees, the skin - which is prone to eczema and psoriasis, and the bones and skeletal system. This sign is the most likely to suffer from arthritis but creating a more flexible outlook on life will help prevent this debilitating condition.

Advice:   Protect your bones and joints by ensuring a good intake of calcium and undertaking regular weight bearing exercise. Too much pounding though, such as jogging on roads, could do damage to your knees, so go for something gentler. Look after your spine by watching your posture. Dandelion leaves may help arthritic pain by breaking down the acid deposits in joints whilst yoga will strengthen your joints and help you stay flexible. Skin conditions may be triggered by nervous or allergic reactions so find products that work for you and stick with them. 

Ideal Exercise: Solitary exercise like cycling, walking or golf may appeal, but you may be happier if you can mix with others. Contact sports like football may appeal, but remember to protect your knees.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: Set yourself a goal - you function much better when you've something to aim for. But don't neglect your personal life in favour of climbing up the ladder of success.



Whilst yours is the sign most likely to try new health regimes, you can also be prone to faddy diets or a rigid approach in your desire to attain perfect health. Whatever is fashionable or ahead of its time will appeal but this could confuse your natural bodily rhythms. A lack of routine can also lead to a delicate nervous system which you seek to pacify through stimulants like coffee and cigarettes. The weak areas of the Aquarian body are the lower legs, ankles and circulation. Circulatory disorders can range from varicose veins and oedema (swollen ankles) to heart problems, high blood pressure and stroke. Aquarians are more susceptible to electro magnetic energy than the other signs, so reduce your exposure to mobile phones, computers, microwave ovens and florescent lighting.

Advice: Listen to your body's needs rather than the ever changing views of the experts. Three square meals a day in a relaxed environment will steady your nerves and create better health. Ginkgo works wonders for poor circulation but combine this with exercise for best results. If you suffer with a highly strung nature, find a calming pastime that can help you relax, but smoking and copious cups of coffee are not the answer!

Ideal Exercise: you need to exercise to prevent circulatory disorders, so it doesn't matter what you do so long as you get the blood flowing. Since Aquarians are a little eccentric, you might choose exercise that's a little quirky or offbeat, otherwise, team sports and group activities are best.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: plenty friends and an active social life, stimulating discussions and interests, being able to express your originality.



Pisceans are physically the most delicate of the signs so you need to take extra good care where your health is concerned. Your addictive personality and frequent desire to escape the harshness of the world can lead you to abuse your body in the form of drugs, alcohol and comfort eating, leading to a range of ailments and constant battles with weight. Overindulgence is something you seriously need to guard against, and this can be achieved by raising your self esteem so that you develop greater respect for your body. Apart from addictions, the Pisces weak areas are the feet (corns, bunions, athlete's foot) and the lymphatic and immune system.

Advice: You need to detox regularly otherwise your lymph system can clog up causing internal poisoning. Take Echinacea to guard against infections and practise skin brushing before bathing to bring toxins to the surface. Cold showers can also boost immunity and remove toxins. Since Pisces rules the feet, reflexology is an ideal treatment, whilst counselling, NLP and past life regression can help release the psychological problems which create addictions.

Ideal Exercise: Your natural fluidity appreciates dance, ice skating, swimming, tai-chi, qi gong, and gymnastics.

What you need to keep you healthy and happy: time out from the busy world, a spiritual outlet, iron to prevent anaemia, and a peaceful and serene environment.


Donna Taylor © 2010